Tuesday, August 02, 2005

"Local" Reflections

This comment from "Local Reflector" deserves its own post

Red Dog - I enjoy immensely the mix of topics, but Textron strikes a chord.The company was told it may have trouble hiring hundreds of workers due to many applicants' inability to pass the drug screening. Local industrial recruiters told them it wasn't an issue.Many workers weren't told that they were hired as true "Temps" with no hope of long term employment in Greenville. I find it hard to believe local leaders weren't aware of the scheme to repeatedly hire and lay off local workers to avoid paying benefits.

Local politicians won't admit this "investment" wasn't much of an industrial boon. One even contended that Textron was never expected to hire 500 hundred workers - yet I remember distinctly being told that or, at least, reading it in the paper. Why were so many soaking up kudos on MLK holiday 2004?

It's to a point now where so few local employees are left, Textron's existence in Greenville could possibly carry a financial drain on city coffers. I understand the "trickle down" and money recycling that comes from a working local population, but that's not happening as paychecks are ceased and Textron's still receiving handsome benefits and utility bill breaks (all secretly negotiated, of course).

I don't understand local leaders' thought process and gave up trying. But, when I hear of the mayor's office exploring the possibility of buying a city jet for "official travel," jobs vanishing and NAFTA is 100% blamed (no local factors), I can only say to all taxpayers in the region - PACK YOUR BAGS AND LEAVE NOW. Your heavy financial contributions mean nothing to local government. They have no understanding of quality of life, fiscal prudence or the fact that taxpayers, not a voting majority, really dictate a region's future.

I'll dodge all notions of prosperity through potholes.

Red Dog says: I couldn't even come close to saying it as well myself. Just think, we could have had a beef plant!

I do find it interesting in today's headlines, Yahoo and others, that the Big Three auto sales were booming! Could someone have gotten their facts wrong? I thought that business was bad, and that's .............uh, uh,.........What was that reason again, Mr. Hart?

Other news around River City.
Delta Blues Casino - We are going to get our Convention Center! We will need 250 more hotel rooms! People will flock to downtown in masses! We will attract one convention per week! The Delta Blues Project will revitalize downtown and become the new Beale Street! Happy Talk, Happy Talk! and from the DDT, no less. One, the damn thing hasn't moved in a year and two, the Gaming Commission will have to review and reissue the permit (not a done deal). Now I have a hard time thinking of 52 organizations that are chomping at the bits to have a convention in Greenville, MS, actually I have a hard time thinking of one.

Letter to the Ed. today's DDT - (I don't name names of innocent people, only politicians and fools, so go read it). Anyhow the gist is a reply to the editorial and letters taking Washington School to task over selecting an out of town vendor for the school uniforms. The author makes some excellent valid points and I recommend that the Chamber and business leaders read it, several times. This is the only place I have ever been, where as a paying customer, I have felt like I was inconveniencing some clerk. That's not just at Walmart, either. So all the Happy Talk about shopping Greenville needs to stop being meaningless drivel, show me!

Dammit Cat, I hate the local crap or could you tell? A jet for the city? Damn, how did I miss that? LR, we miss you! Thanks for contributing.



At 7:57 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

OH MY GOSH--A JET FOR THE CITY! It may sound a bit paranoid, but it sounds like the master plan is to shut down the city of Greenville completely. Where is the outrage over ideas like this and a third hospital when all around us the fiscal structure is fading away. IT is too sad. Expatriate

At 8:04 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dog, I miss the Local Reflector too, I guess these Blogs take to much time. I do appreciate the time and trouble you take. Hey, a jet for the city, they could paint it brown and call it the Flying Turd. That's about how it will go over with the taxpayers.

At 8:29 AM, Blogger Red Dog said...

I see in today's C-L that the Greenville Municipal Airport got a $1.5 million grant to extend the taxiway and add lights. I guess to accomodate the Flying Turd? But hey, think of how many jobs a jet airplane can create!

At 2:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

A lot of us miss the Local Reflector! The DDT is worthless and local TV is nothing but happy talk or crime stories. The City of Greenville is doomed! Sorry Happy Talkers but you know it is the truth. Keep Happy Talking so you can keep your jobs, but the day will come when the Happy Talk ends and you to will pack your bags for greener pastures.

At 5:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

So glad the DDT finally exposed itself as "unfairly" singling out a group... in this case, Washington School. That school is the only positive force left in Greenville. If they ever closed their doors...bye, bye Greenville. (Bye bye DDT.) HELLO, SOUTH MOUND BAYOU!!! Long live Washington School.

At 1:11 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

About the Textron issue and failed drug tests: I heard the same thing about the yet-to-open Walgreen's. I also heard that the bookstore in the mall closed its doors due to an extreme amount of employee theft. What's next?


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