My House, Is a Very, Very, Very Fine House

The problelm is that Ozzie and Harriet don't live here anymore and the imaginary small town doesn't exist anymore.
Photo of Pre-Walmartian Greenville and serpentine streets!
(Can't say how I got the photo, but thanks to the source. Sorry, that's as big as I can make it for the blog, you may be able to save it and blow it up)
I gotta agree with Local Reflector, Washington School can buy uniforms from wherever they want to, they made a business decision based on research they made. Just take those "I Believe" stickers off your bumpers, because what you want to believe is that the imaginary town pictured above is still here. What you don't want to believe is that you might be part of the problem, if you aren't part of the solution.
Very noble and to be commended, DW. My only recommendation is to hold the elected officials accountable. Regardless of one's viewpoint, it's always good to express it and let 'em know. Politicians all want to be reelected.
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