What The Hell
Congress is on recess, Dubya is vacationing in Texas and the Guv'ner is "boondoggling" in Asia, so it's kinda dull everywhere except in Iraq and Greenville.
The DDT editorial page must have been it's usual dull, the only thing I remember reading worthwhile was Wayne Dowdy's piece. I did read that the council and mayor got reports on street sweeping and appears that we have a plan. Good, I will rest better tonight knowing the mayor is going to look into getting my street swept since it doesn't have a curb. (Yawn). Oh, and Main Street won't be finished for another couple of months.
Reflector's Comments:
The issue isn't so much an attack on "Washington School" as the fact that WS chose an out-of-town vendor with which to conduct business. It really could've been any of the local schools because of relative timing.
Since the "enlightened community" of Happy Talkers pitched an idea called "I Believe in Greenville," a real awareness has been raised to supporting local business. It's a fair criticism to call out WS. What good is promoting the local economy through cheesy slogans when a great school like WS sends a captive student body (numbering in the hundreds) to an exclusive place to buy clothing - in Jackson no less? That's a large part of hundreds of middle class families' school budget sent OUT of Greenville by the vote of school leaders.
Don't tell me local vendors cannot handle school uniforms. WS chose designs and attire that precluded them from reasonable participation - then blamed local business for dropping the ball.Don't compare other business/consumer climate issues with the WS outsourcing of uniforms. This "devine" action fed the problem. Recent Letters to the Editor made excellent points but we disagree with the defense of school policy.
Washington School is a private entity and can do what it wants because market forces dictate its future. But, since you bring St. Joe and others up, they too should be called out if local business leaders are exposing turncoats in the "I believe in Greenville" and Shop Main Street campaign. The fact is that they don't believe. They want the masses to be politically dormant and the taxpayer lethargic. Look at empty industrial announcements...all hype, great buzz....no pay off (see: ethanol) Uniforms generate revenue for WS. They look good, get replaced every year as kids grow - all in the name of school security.
The bigger shopping controversy should be the fact that Greenville bought its new police cars from out-of-town car dealers. Nobody's said a word about that and certain media-types are more scared of representing the dwindling viewers/readers it possesses in favor of spreading "happy time."
I know the Red Dog hates the local scene, but I hope he allows some local discourse. In fact, mixed with state and national coverage and two-cent thoughts, it becomes an excellent online stop to "shoot breeze." Thanks R.D. but get ready. Now that the ole brain has shaken off a case of writing boredom, I anticipate a hearty debate with the Red One on Bush, Barbour, state, regional and local politics.
Add to that 12.3% unemployment rate. Can't wait until Long John Silver's and Taco Bell open, that will sure ease the pressure. I totally agree that when our institutions, especially the government, do not support the local economy all that rah-rah hype is meaningless.
The Local Forum is declared Open!
I agree. My kids won't wear the clothes from most of the stores around here. They will look at Stein Mart, the Country Gentleman, we like Jole and bergman shoes, and we can pick up quick items at mcraes, but other than that, we are in the bigger towns for shopping. Uniforms will save me a lot of frustration. I'm glad i can get them in Greenwood or can order them on the internet. Theres no charge for shipping if you order $75 worth and thats like one outfit. I don't know anyone who feels safe shopping in downtown Greenville, so maybe the mayor and the chamber of commerce should take a look at that.
The Local Reflector obviously has no children and has never been forced to make the decisions that a caring and responsible parent would make.
"The St. Joe uniform issue has nothing to do with WS and shouldn't be compared." Jesus, Mary, and Joseph! It has everything to do with it! Why do they get a free pass? There is no "choice, choice, choice" for Lourdes and St. Joe students when it comes to purchasing their uniforms.
Pick on somebody else.
Delta Watchdog, First of all, thank you for your comments. I don't have kids that age, mine have long since graduated WS. There were so many of them at one time that I thought surely the school would have named something after me like "Red Dog's Algebra Room" or "Red Dog's Favorite Tree" I guess not.
No, guilty. We did what all good parents do for school clothes, we went to Jackson or Memphis just to shop the big malls and for a weekend to celebrate making it through the summer. That's part of the culture though, for centuries Deltans have made the pilgrimmage to Memphis or New Orleans to buy "stuff," so I was just keeping the heritage alive!
If uniforms had been available back then, I could have celebrated more in Memphis or Jackson. Believe me, these uniforms have to be cheaper than those provided by Ralph Lauren.
The thing is no one is saying that WS doesn't have the right to purchase from whoever they want. They should get the best deal possible for the parents regardless of where that is.
I just have a problem with those telling me I should be buying in Greenville supporting a major purchase such as this going out of town, that's all.
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