Saturday, August 20, 2005

Flip Flop

Mostly Flop

My old friend Bill Frist is at it again, this time over teaching "Intelligent Design." Bill trying to get back in the good graces of his leader or what? Apparently the good doctor had some scientific genes dominant somewhere or he couldn't have gotten through medical school. I guess spending too much time under the tin foil hat is hazardous to your brain. Anyhow, Frist has given a totally new meaning to the term "flip-flop" Never has he quite completely recovered from the Schiavo "diagnosis." Then again, maybe he is positioning himself to run for the presidency in 2008. If he can dumb down his own intelligence to match that of fearless leader he might have a chance.

"I don't want a pickle, just want to ride my bi-cy-cle." Dubya out spying on Sheehan, no doubt. Or, maybe he's just getting ready for unemployment in three years (at most), he can capitalize on opening a bicycle dealership since Americans won't be able to afford to drive cars. Amazing that gasoline has gone up by $.16 a gallon since he signed the Energy Bill. Oh, I know, the whiny Repubs didn't get their precious ANWR oil (10 years out and about 2% of demand).

Dubya's going to visit the troops in Idaho. Idaho? Yep, talk up of how fightin 'em there means we don't have to fight 'em in Idaho. In the most bizarre fashion of "having your head up your ass" the military now says they are preparing to stay in Iraq for 4 more years (sounds like a campaign chant). Let's see now, we have gone from 30,000 reduction next year, to that was a rumor. "When they stand up, We will stand down." The Iraqi's are being trained with 200,000 being ready to ,Oops, maybe only 5,000 to we will maintain a troop level of about 100,000 for the next four years. Amazing at a cost of over $1 Trillion. And, we still don't have an exit strategy.

Just when you thought it couldn't get any worse. Remember the Bankruptcy bill, so embraced by our two Senators? Guess what? When it goes into effect in October, the credit card companies will also increase your minimum payment from 2% to 4%. So, if you are only paying the minimum on your credit card, you will have to pony up about twice as much in minimum payment. If you are late one payment, your interest rate will go to 30.43%. Is this a great deal or what? Pay off those cards now! The Big CreditCo isn't publicizing this, by the way. Be sure to read the fine print in the Terms of Acceptance. You will quickly find that you are screwed!

To my Lefty friends, on Judge Roberts, "Get a Life." He's in, no matter what you try to dig up. And, he probably should be, he's certainly intelligent enough. I do feel that he should answer questions on the "privacy" issues. The Executive Department has stepped all over "privacy of individuals" and if you are a strict constructionist, you will have a hard time finding anywhere in the Constitution the guarantee of privacy. Dog asks, what good is freedom without privacy?


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