Friday, August 12, 2005

A Fishing Expedition

Without any bait.....

The Thursday DDT headlines, can anyone explain to me what that was about? It asked a question, "What does Greenville or the Delta have to do to even be mentioned......" I didn't see any answer. Perhaps it was a rhetorical question. There was some filler in there about Entergy Team City II, I'm still looking for the connection. Perhaps it was just a teaser to sell papers. I think the experience of Textron and the city, the Beef Plant, or Baxteria should be mandatory addition to any article referencing a manufacturing plant in the Delta.

What do we have to do? For starters there has to be a viable workforce. Anybody know where we can get one? Then, there has to be an infrastructure to accomodate these facilities. Nope, don't have that either. Oh, and what about a first class school system? Uh-uh. Low crime rate? Nah. Instead of worrying about what incentives we can offer a company, why not clean up our own nest (not just picking up the trash) first? Face it, to attract and retain a world class facility, we aren't even on the radar. Until the culture changes here, Greenville will never be anything more than a rural poverty area in one of the most depressed areas in the country. Hardly the kind of "perception" that catches the "big ones."


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