Good Week
At least it was for me. Good to get "Local Reflector" fired up again and have some others jump in, i.e. "Delta Watchdog", "NoFatCat". "Expatriate" and a few "Anonymice". I enjoyed the banter and hope you did too. It's just good to vent sometimes. It's my "therapy." As Red Dog has said many times, I don't care if you agree with me and based on my geographic location I doubt that there are many out there who do. Locally, we might have a few more things in common.
Since local issues push a lot of people's "hot button", I will try to add more local issues to the blog. Let me point out that I am not privy to all the stuff that goes on in Greenville and I am damn sure not a reporter. In other words, I ain't going looking for stuff. The DDT is my source and what they report, I decide if I want to comment. If you have burning issues and want them commented on, I've given you the means to get them to me. It's up to you.
Here's Red Dog's ESPN bit:
Bonehead Play of the Week - NCAA bans references to Native Americans from teams participating in NCAA Tournaments. Now PC is one thing, but this takes the cake. We still have Braves in Atlanta, Indians in Cleveland, Redskins in Washington (of all places) and the NCAA has to pick on Florida State, Illinois, and Alcorn, among others. They don't have enough to do trying to keep their member institutions from breaking the rules? The ESPY for Idiocy goes to the NCAA. Da--Da--Dah........DA--DA--DAH!
Tax cuts were possible because we had a surplus. They helped keep the economy afloat after 9/11. By the time we went to war we had a deficit. What happened to all the money we doled out to the airlines? Now they are all facing bankruptcy and we will have to pick up the tab for pensions they can't pay.
The oil companies don't need $12 Billion they get from the Energy Bill. Big Pharma doesn't need the Billions it stands to get from the Medicare Drug Bill. They got it because they bought it.
Taxes should go to provide services and benefits to its breathing citizens not it corporate citizens.
On the war in Iraq.
"But, it has focused the Islamist eyes on the Iraq and chosen to make its stand there - not in American cities, yet."
They learn how to fight us there and our being there helps their cause more than anything else. We are the invaders and occupiers on Islamic soil. Call it GWOT or GSAVE or GeeWhiz, Madrid, London, and Egypt are not in Iraq. There won't be any fighting on our soil, they will kill themselves in order to kill us. That's a hard enemy to defeat on the battlefield.
It's way too late to talk consumption tax, but we may have some common ground for agreement. I'm for it if it's not an "oppressive, regressive" tax for those on fixed incomes or below the poverty level.
flash!!!! bill has been prefilled in the miss. legislature to mandate that all school districts in the state must consolidate. we will end up with only approx. 84 districts rather than the 150 + . aint't that smart! bill will also mandate that the school boards must be elected rather than city council apointments.
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