Friday, August 19, 2005

Good News

I'm back.....!!

I've gotta admit, the past week has been wacky and dog has been on an emotional roller coaster. Needless to say, keeping up with the news was not a priority and I have little clue as to what has transpired this week. (O.k. smartasses, some of you don't think I have a clue anytime.)

While being assigned to a waiting room, I did catch a segment of Faux News (couldn't find the remote) and learned absolutely nothing except the missing blond is still missing. Something about someone named "Able Danger" and blah, blah, Clinton, blah, blah. My head and my heart weren't really with it.

So, nothing went on to strike your fancy this week?

Thanks, LR for the post and let me say that your arguments too are well thought out. Too bad the Administration didn't have at least this much discussion before commiting American lives and dollars in a misguided policy.

Anything happen on the local scene?

I hate when I have to read back issues of the DDT to find out what's going on. I know some of you really want to comment on things locally. Without the "dirt" Red Dog can't go there, you need to provide that input.

I promise I'll do my homework and get something out over the weekend to stimulate the brain.

Oh, and the worst news I got from my stay in the waiting room was Faux News. So, it was a Great Day!


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