Be Very Afraid
With the wheels coming off the war in Iraq, Bush tells Israeli television that "all options are on the table" with Iran. Is this the precursor to another preemptive invasion? It sounds all too familiar. Last week you recall Rumsfeld's indignation over weapons from Iran being found in Iraq. Iran is one of the "Axes of Evil." And the administration is working diligently to make a connection between Iran's new President and the "Hostage Crisis" in the 70's. Sounds like a solid case to invade them to me, Mr. President. I'm sure we have another $400 Billion lying around and we could just hold the troops over from Iraq, after all, they have experience and they are expendable.
Check out Frank Rich's editorial at "Someone needs to tell the President that the war is over." Then go to The Washington Post at on how the administration has lowered its expectations in Iraq. I believe "flip-flopper" was a popular term used in the 2004 election that applies here. Plus some "senior adminstration officials" are in for a real ass chewing, I'm sure they will be fired for their behavior in leaking classified information. Bush is, after all, someone you can believe his word.
How about the price of gasoline today in River City? $2.50 a gallon. The national average was $2.41, think someone in Greenville is 'price gouging?' I read a tongue-in-cheek comment that Karl Rove was thankful that Cindy Sheehan just wanted to talk about Iraq and not the price of gasoline. At these prices in the States, we must be paying Halliburton $200.00 a gallon in Iraq to fill up our military vehicles.
This is the military/industrial complex that Eisenhower warned you about.
Dog, some Iranian hostages have said the new Iranian President was one of the kidnappers with pictures to prove it.
Now that's not a solid reason to invade the country is it? He probably negotiated the deal with Reagan before the election to release the hostages.
And if Repubs weren't so fixated on the blue dress, maybe UBL would have been dead.
Dog, Now the Repub's fixation on the blue dress is the reason Bubba couldn't do his job? Dog that's a hell of a stretch.
As for invading Iran, if we don't and they get the Bomb then our Kids or Grand kids will wear burkas (sp?).
Where we gonna get the troops to invade Iran, Cat? I'm too damn old and fat. I'm sure you're pulling for it, another war, another tax cut.
Bush's plan for the Middle East is FUBAR at best, at worst, there is no plan.
He can't meet with a grieving mother, too busy, gotta ride a bike, take a nap, color pictures, clear brush, take a's hard work!
Dog, Bush met with the grieving Mother before she was taken in/over by the left.
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