New Guest Commentary
Thanks to "Anonymous" for raising an excellent point. I have been guilty of being critical without offering solutions. However, since I am an expatriate much like LR and others, it doesn't fall on our shoulders to offer concrete solutions, that is for you natives. Anyhow, the writer is trying to make changes with what he/she has to work with. We can all be supportive.
Where are the proposed solutions from the railbirds? You know, while it may be fun (in a twisted sort of way) to take part in the never-ending pastime of complaining about anything and everything that goes on in town -- whether related to business or government -- it's not particularly productive.
There, I've said it.
That's right -- despite what many seem to believe, it's really difficult actually to try to deal with (as opposed to b**ch about) the myriad difficulties that face Greenville and other Mississippi Delta cities and towns. While it's fine to point out problems, that doesn't really accomplish a whole lot -- it doesn’t take much gray matter to figure out that problems exist. What is difficult, however, is determining how best to remedy them. I've spent a fair amount of time dealing directly with most of these issues, and can promise you that it's far more difficult than it appears.
Don't get me wrong -- I believe that everyone has a right to have, and to express, opinions. I put it to you, however, that -- because of some folks' lack of knowledge of all of the pertinent facts concerning various issues -- not all of these opinions are entitled to be accorded the same weight. Don't base your opinions on what you've "heard," because, in all likelihood, what you've "heard" is, at the very least, probably inaccurate and, at worst, often a complete fabrication. Why would people do this? Beats me….but it happens over and over again.
Complain if you like, but I'll give your complaints more credence if, at the same time, you offer concrete, realistic solutions.
Would love to sign this but, for the time being, must remain ….
LR.....i gotcher back. Keep on preachin'.
City council television forum tonight.Candidate Vazzana proposed the consolidation of the Greenville school systems and additionally the election of school board members in lieu of appointments by the city council.Candidate Watkins was not in agreement. (ward 4) election December 12th senior citizen hall on Shelby st.
city council candidate vazzana lives in ward 4 which is 95/5 black to white voting density.. there will be no white councilman ever elected in his ward. realistically he knew he couldn't win but he did propose some interesting ideas. election of school board, consolidating the school system,consolidating city elections,full time city attorney,hiring a "city" manager. etc.
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