I was back in River City over the weekend and things still seemed the same. Imagine that! There was blabber in the DDT and reading it made my head hurt. Of course, a hold up and four shooting victims and the usual police plea to anyone knowing anything about these crimes (because we sure don't) please dial h-e-l-p-g-p-d. The usual happy talk colums on the beautification of the airport (Frank Cooper is doing a good job), but that sort of misses the problem of there are only two flights a day into the Hub of the Delta, and those are from a bankrupt airline. All in all it was a great visit.
2 in 3 people now believe that Bush has the country going in the wrong direction. I won't stop until all of you are convinced! The usual attack tactic of those "who ain't fer us are agin us" and the drivel that opposing the war helps the enemy smear won't help. Mr. Bush's Vietnam is his legacy and it ain't pretty. Enemies most wanted 1 and 2 are still at large and the Islamic terrorism continues to grow and strengthen. No clear strategy except to stay the course, yet the course keeps changing. Ah. but we've been through all this before.
Thanks for allowing me that stray thought.
Anyhow, it's great to live where the water is clear, yes natives there are places where the water isn't brown. Local politics, however, appears to be the same everywhere. I had the opportunity today to witness the local government in action and I have to admit, it's really no different. Politicians are still politicians. I could devote a lot more time to slamming Greenville, but it would be just wasted effort and really do nothing more than just piss some of you off. However, I think my point is that Greenville can do better, if it wants to, but the leadership has to come from those who care and dare to change. Perhaps the readers here that stay behind can be the catalyst for that change.
LR is right the relocation situation has slowed ol Red Dog down a bit, but I'll get back in the swing of things, patience please. In the meantime, why don't more of you send commentaries and I will post them for discussion. If you don't want to start your own blog, this is a viable solution. I do check e-mails daily, I just don't normally have the time to write, much less think about what I am going to write. So help me keep the interest going.
Dog, You didn't read what Bush said. Quote follows:
"While it is perfectly legitimate to criticize my decision or the conduct of the war, it is deeply irresponsible to rewrite the history of how that war began. Some Democrats and anti-war critics are now claiming we manipulated the intelligence and misled the American people about why we went to war. These critics are fully aware that a bipartisan Senate investigation found no evidence of political pressure to change the intelligence community's judgments related to Iraq's weapons programs. They also know that intelligence agencies from around the world agreed with our assessment of Saddam Hussein." and I don't believe those daggum polls.nofatcat
Thanks nofatcat seems like the complete story is sometimes forgotten.
Not only are guys still drinking the Kool aid, but you've eaten the "yellow cake" as well. Think back......remember the lies we were told to go to Iraq. "We were all wrong." Don't you remember? Nah. You're smokin crack through those aluminum tubes. Ya can't spin it Cat. It looks like a duck, quacks like a's a lame duck!
Then every senator and congress man that said we needed to go to Iraq. Looking at the same cia reports also lied and mislead the people RIGHT??
Actually they never voted for the War, only to give the President the right to go to war. It's a SMALL point, I know. You can rewrite history by simply ignoring it!
Don't put a spin on it just answer the question YES OR NO .
Your right less stop ignoring what these other democrats supported when it was favorable to them.
They all jumped on the band wagon including Clinton.
Here is an idea that I am surprised the Greenville team of "It's our turn now honkie" hasn't tried to pull. Then they could better control the flow of information and make sure all TV Stations only report what they want the public in Greenville to hear and see.
Read this ..........
A coalition of squeaky wheels or as they like to be called, community leaders yesterday called on KPRC-2-NBC to restore two black anchors to their original on-air positions and asked viewers and advertisers to boycott the station.
"We are encouraging viewers not to patronize businesses that advertise on Channel 2," said the Rev. William Lawson, who apparently believes that churches....not station owner Post-Newsweek....should determine who will read the news, on which shows, and what the color of the anchor's skin should be.
In October, we first reported on an email, that was being circulated by the local office of the NAACP, that accused KPRC of failing "to represent itself in the black community." The email noted that Khambrel Marshal was bumped off the morning newscasts and moved down to weekends, and longtime primary anchor Linda Lorelle was demoted to noon and 4 p.m.
Thanks Anon, the left has rewritten history before and the News Media helps, but with the Internet the truth will come out.nofatcat
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