Got Protection?
I believe the picture speaks for itself. However, as a veteran my comment is that if you want to honor those killed in combat, treat their "band of brothers" with dignity and decent veteran benefits, take care of their survivors, and above all don't make their sacrifice a lie. Mr. President, you lied. You continue to lie and you need to finally tell the American people the truth. You finally referenced the number of casualties in Iraq, you earn no medal for that. If you don't want to answer Cindy Sheehan's questions, at least answer the 64% of Americans who want to know the truth.
OK..Here goes
The truth is there are no WMD's in Iraq.
The truth is none of the 9/11 hijackers came from Iraq (13 did come from Saudi Arabia).
The truth is Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11
The truth is the Bush Administration ignored the intelligence about Osama bin Laden.
The truth is Osama bin Laden is still alive.
The truth is Congress has never declared war.
The truth is we didn't have enough troops in Iraq from the beginning.
The truth is "Al Qaeda in Iraq" never existed before we occupied the country.
The truth is attacks on the United States are acts of war.
The truth is Eric Rudolph and Timothy McVeigh are terrorists not "serial bombers."
The truth is all our so called allies support terrorists (Saudi Arabia, Pakistan)
The truth is we don't have a large enough army to fight everyone, not even with the draft.
The truth is we don't have an exit strategy, which means we are there to occupy the country indefinitely.
And LR, thank you for pointing out to Cincy Sheehan what the President will not do, the "noble cause" her son died for was oil, the WMD's, the links to al Qaeda, the democracy smoke and mirrors are all BS, it's nothing but oil. Remember Wolfowicz "the oil revenues will pay for the reconstruction." Halliburton, KBR, Bechtel all have reaped profits from our soldier's blood.
And thank God, we lost the Yugo.
The Bush Doctrine is nothing but 17th Century British Imperialism. It will meet the same fate.
And I'm sure glad the Sedition Act was repealed or I'd be in jail and you should thank God the Draft is not in effect.
And I need a better blog site if we are to have these long discussion. Just kidding, keep it coming.
Dog, There is a good bit of evidence that Al Qaeda was in Iraq before and after Operation Iraqi Freedom. I think it was Steven Hadly that wrote a book on the subject. Remember the airliner on the ground for training? Al Zarwkri(sp?) was and still is there. Powerine has a good article about casualties; quote Even in peacetime. The media's breathless tabulation of casualties in Iraq--now, over 1,800 deaths--is generally devoid of context. Here's some context: between 1983 and 1996, 18,006 American military personnel died accidentally in the service of their country. That death rate of 1,286 per year exceeds the rate of combat deaths in Iraq by a ratio of nearly two to one.unquote.The above quote and entire article can be read at:
The Media will not report the basic facts in Iraq, all we hear are causlities and nothing about results of operations.I like to keep my posts shorter but you stirred me up this morning.Nofatcat
Dang I can't spell. Nofatcat
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