Sex, Lies, Leaks, and Scandals!
Local Reflector chastizes Red Dog and gives a history lesson!
Had you said "Warren G. Harding" over "Herbert Hoover," you'd REALLY be onto something.
It was under President Harding that oil (yes, oil!) leases where shifted shifted from the Navy Dept. to the Dept. of Interior. The Interior then illegally issued those leases to certain oil barons (Mammoth Oil)....the Teapot Dome Scandal!Also, Harding was nominated by party bosses because he was easily led by others and would do as told.
RD, to be a proud liberal, at least pick the correct GOP presidential whipping boy of the roaring twenties!Now, now...wouldn't that be a better analogy.
Besides, Hoover was semi-slated to possibly come back as a Republican nominee in 1940. It went to Wendell Wilkie - the Democrat who had only recently become GOP before the election season. It also took the political risk of helping Britain fight Germany through arms lending/leasing as both candidates where interventionist.
I think Hoover was also widely considered non-partisan up until he "chose" to run Republican in the 1920's as they were the successful party. Much like the courting of Colin Powell which occurred in the 1990's by the Dems and Reps. is how I'd compare.
If you want some good reading, pull "Five Days in Philadelphia" from the library. It makes a compelling argument how the GOP's nominee in 1940 made a great difference in U.S. boldness in Europe before Pearl Harbor. The book also reveals a political shift in philosophy was under way -much as I suspect today is occurring where Democrats are turning isolationist, much like Republicans of early and mid 1900's.
Why does it seem that all Republican Administrations are corrupt and riddled with "good 'ol Boy" scandals and Democrats are more prone to the more interesting and much more mesmerizing sex scandals?
Harding? Merely two years to screw the country a la "Tea Pot Dome" and laissez faire, yet Coolidge and Hoover literally driving the country into depression, through "do nothingism" and just sheer bad economic policies. Let's fast forward to the 50's, I liked Ike, because he played a lot of golf and led through "benign neglect." He did, however, give us the Interstate Highways. Zip over to Richard Nixon, the most dishonored and disgraceful president the Republicans have had to offer. Liked that one? How about "Voodoo Economics" Reagan? "Mr. Supply Sider" or "Let's give one for Big Business?" Bush I? "It's the economy, stupid?" Then Bush II, a composite of all the above, only worse. We can call it "know nothingism" and "I get by with a little help from my friends" government.
I can take the heat for the amorous adventures of Clinton and Kennedy, but they were only screwing a few people, with Bush, we all wear the "blue dress." I can equate Hoover to Carter, both engineers way over their heads. Johnson? Well, clueless for the most part, but did try to attack the plight of the poor. Knew when he was over his head. Roosevelt? It took him damn near four terms to try to straighten out the mess Harding, Coolidge and Hoover made. Wilson? well, it just wasn't his time.
Isolationism, I hardly think so. Diplomacy will win out over the bully pulpit and military intervention almost all of the time. However, LR if you have resigned yourself to equate the Bush II scandals to the Harding scandals, give it up. Bush wins hands down.
Thanks for your comments and keep up the good work at DS, you are getting there.