Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Bush Hates Our Freedoms

Past time for regime change? You bet!

Impeachment in '07

Don't forget to wear your hip boots in the upcomming elections. Watch out for DOMA and a constitutional amendment on gay marriage, look out for abortion bills and troops on the border. Anything to steer you clear of the economy, the mishandling of the war in Iraq, the lack of energy policy, the fraud in Katrina, the corruption in the Republican Party, the guest worker program, attack on social security and medicare/medicaid, the lack of port security, electronic voting machines with no print out capability, leaks, lies and now a "Snow Job" from the Press Secretary, or Faux News Whitehouse Bureau.

Be careful what you say and who you call and who you e-mail. You may even be on the "bad" list for reading this blog. Big Brother is watching you, smile.

Monday, May 08, 2006

OMG! Who Are Those People?

31% approval rating, according to Gallup. I guess it just goes to show that people on drugs should be institutionalized. What could the 31% possibly be thinking?

A new high of 65% thinks he's doing a terrible job. So, only 4% admit to being clueless. Of the 31% approving, they like $3/gallon gasoline, they like the way Katrina was handled, they believe Saddam Hussein had everything to do with 9/11, they believe that Terri Shaivo should be alive, and they believe that Bush is doing one heckuva job in Iraq. It is, after all, the Democrats fault. So, the 31% approving are clueless in my book.

Impeachment in '07

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